ELearning – Net Zero Architect Project – Grades 9-12 – ELA
Net Zero Architect Project – Grades 9-12
Net-Zero Energy Building
A net-zero energy building is a general term applied to a building’s use with zero net
energy consumption and zero carbon emissions annually. Zero energy buildings can be
used autonomously from the energy grid supply – energy can be harvested on-site.
Renewable energy harvesting is a means to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Traditional
building use consumes 40% of the total fossil energy in the US and European Union.
Students will need to read the variety of resources presented to better understand the
value and development of net-zero buildings and communities. What factors impact
nearly zero buildings in the United Arab Emirates? Why is reducing carbon emissions
and using renewable energy important considerations for governmental building policies
and construction considerations? How do local and national governments impact
building design and construction? Why is net zero so important for Hawaii’s future?
What is the definition of net-zero energy and how is it accomplished? How can building
designs impact the building’s release of carbon emissions? How will the growth of
buildings in Africa and India potentially impact the climate in the next 20 years?
Students will research the various articles to learn about net-zero energy buildings and
climate considerations. Additionally, considerations should be given to how local and
national governments can impact these types of initiatives.