ELearning – Chef Project – Grades 3-5 – ELA
Chef Project – Grades 3-5 – ELA
Farm-to-Table Restaurants
There is a trend in this country to help save the planet and eat well at the same time. Restaurants are growing their own food. Many restaurants own their own farms and grow their own food. The farm-to-table concept began in the 1970s. Then, there were only a few areas in the country doing this. However, now eating-local restaurants are very popular across the country. Almost every major city in the United States has a restaurant that grows its own food.
Many diners like the idea of farm-to-table restaurants. The food is fresher and people like the idea of eating food that’s been grown for the restaurant.
The return of locally grown produce is a new trend across the country. In the early 1900s, most of the food that was eaten came from within 50 miles of where it was eaten. However, as more Americans moved from the country to cities, many local farms disappeared.
Today, nearly 90 percent of all produce still comes from outside of the United States. Now there’s a push to return to the days where farmers’ profits would improve and so would the healthiness of the food we eat.
Many people have realized the value of local, seasonal eating and are willing to pay a little more for local fresh food. The number of people who are growing and eating locally grown food is steadily increasing. It is enough to keep local farms thriving.
One benefit 0f shopping for locally grown produce is a financial one. Money from these purchases is good for local farmers and businesses. Business people know that when we spend $100 at a big grocery store, only about $25 makes it into the local economy. When we spend $100 at a local farmers’ market, $75 makes it into the local economy. This is a big difference.
Another benefit is that many people like to know exactly where their food comes from. They also want to protect their bodies from harmful chemicals. There are also benefits to protecting the local environment from these same harmful chemicals that some big farmers use.
Farm-to-table restaurants are becoming very popular across the nation. Transitioning to a community-based system of growing and using food starts with the food on your plate.
Your assignment: Write a one-page essay on the advantages of producing, using, or eating locally grown products in restaurants. Submit your essay to your teacher through the required platform.
Adapted from Schoenfeld, B. (2011, September 21). “How the farm-to-table movement is helping grow the economy.” Entrepreneur. Retrieved On: 10/16/2011